Cartmill Line
Jonathan TIPTON (son of Edward TIPTON and Elizabeth (TIPTON)) was born 1639 in Kingston Jamaica, and died January 21, 1757 in Baltimore MD.
Notes for Jonathan TIPTON:
Although there were many Tiptons in Baltimore, Maryland in the1700's and 1800's. The first known Tipton who lived in Baltimore,Maryland was Jonathan Tipton I, he was our sixth Great Grandfather.There is still much debate going on over his birthplace. Somebelieve it was Pontesbury, England and some believe it was KingstonJamaica. If he was born in 1639, as some have stated, it could nothave been Kingston, since that was not established until 1693, asCapitol of Jamaica. However, Jamaica was taken in 1655, when theCapital was Port Royal, so Jonathan could have been born there after1655. An Earthquake destroyed Pot Royal in 1692.Jonathan's parents were Amy and Edward Tipton and there is arecord of their children in the Pontesbury Register. The pages areold and worn and Jonathans name was not found. Whether Jonathan wasborn in Pontesbury or Jamaica, to these decendents, makes nodifference. He still had English blood in his veins from his parents and was still our Progenitor.Some history of the earthquake on Port Royal can be read about inthe National Geographic, issue of February 1960. The earthquake wasin 1692 and the first record we have of Jonathan in the US is when hehad his sons baptized at St. James Parish in Anne ArundelCo.,Maryland. Jonathan's wife and Mother of the children was SarahPearce Tipton. Her death occurred sometime before 1709 as that is theyear Jonathan married Mary Chilcoat, widow of Humphrey Chilcoat. Themarriage of Jonathan and Mary is also recorded in the St. James Parishrecords.Jonathan and sarah had four sons, Thomas born in 1693, Williamborn in 1696, and Jonathan II born in 1699. The fourth son, John, wasborn in 1702 and some researchers do not believe there was a fourthson. However a deposition given by Jonathan Tipton I, in 1754, wasalso given by John Tipton, who stated his age as fifty-two. That wouldplace his birth at 1702.John was not baptised at St. James Parish, but that could be dueto his parents attending another church at the time of his birth. Inthose days, there were Churches or places of worship every ten milesor so.Jonathan owned land in Anne Arundel Called " Pascals Chance" in1705. That land today is unattainable due to swamp and some area'snow owned by new owners.With his marriage to Mary Chilcoat, Jonathan became stepfather toher children. Her husband, Humphrey Chilcoat had died in 1708. andleft her with James born in 1701, John II born in 1706 and Mary bornin 1708. Mary and Humphrey had a son, John I born in 1703 but thechild died in 1704. Since Jonathan and Mary were married in 1709, abirthdate for Jonathan as 1639, would make him 70 years old when hemarried Mary. An advanced age to be taking on a new wife and familyalong with his own four sons but he would need a new wife to helpraise his children.Since Jamaica was taken in 1655, it is more likely that Jonathanwas born after 1655, placing him in his 50's when he married Mary.Many researchers believe this to be the case and this of course wouldchange his age at death, to be in his 90's. We know that mary outlivedJonathan because of a tract of land that she gave a quit claim to in1763, six years after Jonathans death. This would also explain whyThomas settled Jonathan's estate in 1763 in stead of 1757 whenJonathan died.Jonathans firs residence is believed to have been Port Royalwhich he bought in Baltimore Co. in 1714, 360 acres. In 1716 he boughtPoor Jamaicamans Plague, 929 acres. In 1728 he bought Tiptons Puzzel235 acres. In 1731, Jonathan added 50 acres to Tiptons Puzzel.Jonathan dealt extensively in land and today would be considered anestablished Real Estate agent. Some of his land deals were as follows.1722--Sold 114 acres of Poor Jamaicamans Plague to Edward Murphy1725--Sold to Thomas Cockey - Part of Selsed, Poor Jamaicamans Plague,addition to Poor Jamaicamans Plague and part of Port Royal amountingto 600 acres.1726--Sold to Thomas Tipton - 40 acres of Port Royal. This was his sonThomas, not his grandson, the grandson Thomas was born in 1721. ThomasSr. named his 40 acres Strife.1728--Conveyed to John Smith - 100 acres of Port Royal and PoorJamaicamans Plague 1730--Sold to Ann and Jane Atwood - 100 acres of addition to Poor Jamaicamans Plague1734--Sold to James Chilcoat - 30 acres of addition to PoorJamaicamans Plague1745--Sold to Thomas Sheridine - 114 acres of Tiptons Puzzel1747--Sold to Thomas Sheridine - his house and 50 acres of Port RoyalJonathan seems to have been a generous man as well. In 1727 hegave a gift of 100 acres to his daughter-in-law Hannah. In 1730 hegave 100 acres of Molly and Sallys Delight to his son Jonathan II. In1735 he gave his granddaughter, Mary, 100 acres of Molly and SallysDelight and in 1740 he gave his grandson, William, 50 acres of TiptonsPuzzel.There was many more land deals that Jonathan was involved in butthis list will give some idea of his ability in land transactions. theMaryland Gazzette wrote in Jonathans Obituary, January 1757, that hedealt extensively in land and had a remarkable memeory for his age.Where Jonathan was living at the time of his death is still a mystery. He bought Tiptons Puzzel in 1728 and it said that he wasliving there in 1745, however, a deed for that year shows that ThomasSheridine bought 140 acres and the premises on Tiptons Puzzel fromJonathan. Two years later, 1747, Thomas Sheridine bought 50 acres andJonathans House o Port Royal. Since Thomas, Jonathans son, was stillliving on Port Royal in 1747, we believe Jonathan and Mary may havemoved in with him, due to Jonathans age, health or othercircumstances. When Jonathan died, his lands and possessions would goto Mary and at her death, be the Estate that Thomas settled in 1763.In 1716 Jonathan was made overseer for the clearing of the roadsfrom Garrison Ridge along Old Court road to White Marsh in BaltimoreCo.. By doing this, we feel he contributed to the developement ofBaltimore, even if in a small way. Many great names are rememberedfrom our history but we believe many unknown Ancestors made ourcountry what it is today and should be remembered for it.Tiptons Puzzel and the addition to Tiptons Puzzel was located in the eighth district of Baltimore Co. The tracts were south of RidgeRd. of Ivy Hill Rd. and both east and west of Falls Rd. Falls Rd. nowruns through what was known as Josephs Favor.Port Royal was located South of Timonium Rd. North of Seminaryave. and east of Falls Rd.Poor Jamaicamans Plague was located south of Padonia Rd. North ofTimonium Rd. and east of Falls Rd. Plat maps of these tracts andinformation can be found at the Hall of Records under the following:Tiptons Puzzel - IL # B Folio 290 & PL # 7 Folio 508Port Royal - FF # 7 Folio 33 & PL # 4 Addition to Poor Jamaicamans Plague - IL # A Folio 721FF # 7 Folio432 PL # 6 Folio419The address for the Hall of Records is : Hall of Records350 RoweBlvd.Annapolis,Maryland 21401The Baltimore Co. Land Commissions has a Deposition given byThomas Tipton for a Petition filed by Thomas Ford. Thomas Tipton gavethe Deposition December 5, 1761 and stated his age as about 67, whichwould place his birth at 1693. This is proof that Thomas was stillalive in 1761 and did not die in 1734 as some researchers have stated.The Deposition aslso stated the Thomas Tipton had a land warrantlocated near Selsed, we believe this would be the 40 acres thatJonathan sold him in 1726. Selsed, was South of Port Royal and theboundary lines connected.We have not been able to pinpoint the land as it too has beenredeveloped over the years. Many homes, office buildings etc. nowcover Port Royal land, but the few woods that remain do give us someidea of what a beautiful place Port Royal must have been.If Thomas still lived on Port Royal at the time of his death, wefelt the family plot might be locat on that land and perhaps a stonefoundation left of his home. However the only ruins we've ever foundwere north of Poor Jamaicamans Plague. They were clearly over 150years old and one man who lived near there said he had been there for25 years and nver knew the ruins were there. Contractors uncovered theruins while clearing the land to build new homes. Jonathan Tipton of Baltimore, MarylandThis was written by Phillis Brooks, I found this on my trip toBaltimore. on the sons and Grandsons of Jonathan Tipton, on next page.
the English Tipton's, whose ancestry can be traced to Sir Anthony de
Tipton of Staffordshire, England, who was born in 1260 and knighted on
the field of battle by King Edward I on December 11, 1282.
Notes for Jonathan TIPTON:
Although there were many Tiptons in Baltimore, Maryland in the1700's and 1800's. The first known Tipton who lived in Baltimore,Maryland was Jonathan Tipton I, he was our sixth Great Grandfather.There is still much debate going on over his birthplace. Somebelieve it was Pontesbury, England and some believe it was KingstonJamaica. If he was born in 1639, as some have stated, it could nothave been Kingston, since that was not established until 1693, asCapitol of Jamaica. However, Jamaica was taken in 1655, when theCapital was Port Royal, so Jonathan could have been born there after1655. An Earthquake destroyed Pot Royal in 1692.Jonathan's parents were Amy and Edward Tipton and there is arecord of their children in the Pontesbury Register. The pages areold and worn and Jonathans name was not found. Whether Jonathan wasborn in Pontesbury or Jamaica, to these decendents, makes nodifference. He still had English blood in his veins from his parents and was still our Progenitor.Some history of the earthquake on Port Royal can be read about inthe National Geographic, issue of February 1960. The earthquake wasin 1692 and the first record we have of Jonathan in the US is when hehad his sons baptized at St. James Parish in Anne ArundelCo.,Maryland. Jonathan's wife and Mother of the children was SarahPearce Tipton. Her death occurred sometime before 1709 as that is theyear Jonathan married Mary Chilcoat, widow of Humphrey Chilcoat. Themarriage of Jonathan and Mary is also recorded in the St. James Parishrecords.Jonathan and sarah had four sons, Thomas born in 1693, Williamborn in 1696, and Jonathan II born in 1699. The fourth son, John, wasborn in 1702 and some researchers do not believe there was a fourthson. However a deposition given by Jonathan Tipton I, in 1754, wasalso given by John Tipton, who stated his age as fifty-two. That wouldplace his birth at 1702.John was not baptised at St. James Parish, but that could be dueto his parents attending another church at the time of his birth. Inthose days, there were Churches or places of worship every ten milesor so.Jonathan owned land in Anne Arundel Called " Pascals Chance" in1705. That land today is unattainable due to swamp and some area'snow owned by new owners.With his marriage to Mary Chilcoat, Jonathan became stepfather toher children. Her husband, Humphrey Chilcoat had died in 1708. andleft her with James born in 1701, John II born in 1706 and Mary bornin 1708. Mary and Humphrey had a son, John I born in 1703 but thechild died in 1704. Since Jonathan and Mary were married in 1709, abirthdate for Jonathan as 1639, would make him 70 years old when hemarried Mary. An advanced age to be taking on a new wife and familyalong with his own four sons but he would need a new wife to helpraise his children.Since Jamaica was taken in 1655, it is more likely that Jonathanwas born after 1655, placing him in his 50's when he married Mary.Many researchers believe this to be the case and this of course wouldchange his age at death, to be in his 90's. We know that mary outlivedJonathan because of a tract of land that she gave a quit claim to in1763, six years after Jonathans death. This would also explain whyThomas settled Jonathan's estate in 1763 in stead of 1757 whenJonathan died.Jonathans firs residence is believed to have been Port Royalwhich he bought in Baltimore Co. in 1714, 360 acres. In 1716 he boughtPoor Jamaicamans Plague, 929 acres. In 1728 he bought Tiptons Puzzel235 acres. In 1731, Jonathan added 50 acres to Tiptons Puzzel.Jonathan dealt extensively in land and today would be considered anestablished Real Estate agent. Some of his land deals were as follows.1722--Sold 114 acres of Poor Jamaicamans Plague to Edward Murphy1725--Sold to Thomas Cockey - Part of Selsed, Poor Jamaicamans Plague,addition to Poor Jamaicamans Plague and part of Port Royal amountingto 600 acres.1726--Sold to Thomas Tipton - 40 acres of Port Royal. This was his sonThomas, not his grandson, the grandson Thomas was born in 1721. ThomasSr. named his 40 acres Strife.1728--Conveyed to John Smith - 100 acres of Port Royal and PoorJamaicamans Plague 1730--Sold to Ann and Jane Atwood - 100 acres of addition to Poor Jamaicamans Plague1734--Sold to James Chilcoat - 30 acres of addition to PoorJamaicamans Plague1745--Sold to Thomas Sheridine - 114 acres of Tiptons Puzzel1747--Sold to Thomas Sheridine - his house and 50 acres of Port RoyalJonathan seems to have been a generous man as well. In 1727 hegave a gift of 100 acres to his daughter-in-law Hannah. In 1730 hegave 100 acres of Molly and Sallys Delight to his son Jonathan II. In1735 he gave his granddaughter, Mary, 100 acres of Molly and SallysDelight and in 1740 he gave his grandson, William, 50 acres of TiptonsPuzzel.There was many more land deals that Jonathan was involved in butthis list will give some idea of his ability in land transactions. theMaryland Gazzette wrote in Jonathans Obituary, January 1757, that hedealt extensively in land and had a remarkable memeory for his age.Where Jonathan was living at the time of his death is still a mystery. He bought Tiptons Puzzel in 1728 and it said that he wasliving there in 1745, however, a deed for that year shows that ThomasSheridine bought 140 acres and the premises on Tiptons Puzzel fromJonathan. Two years later, 1747, Thomas Sheridine bought 50 acres andJonathans House o Port Royal. Since Thomas, Jonathans son, was stillliving on Port Royal in 1747, we believe Jonathan and Mary may havemoved in with him, due to Jonathans age, health or othercircumstances. When Jonathan died, his lands and possessions would goto Mary and at her death, be the Estate that Thomas settled in 1763.In 1716 Jonathan was made overseer for the clearing of the roadsfrom Garrison Ridge along Old Court road to White Marsh in BaltimoreCo.. By doing this, we feel he contributed to the developement ofBaltimore, even if in a small way. Many great names are rememberedfrom our history but we believe many unknown Ancestors made ourcountry what it is today and should be remembered for it.Tiptons Puzzel and the addition to Tiptons Puzzel was located in the eighth district of Baltimore Co. The tracts were south of RidgeRd. of Ivy Hill Rd. and both east and west of Falls Rd. Falls Rd. nowruns through what was known as Josephs Favor.Port Royal was located South of Timonium Rd. North of Seminaryave. and east of Falls Rd.Poor Jamaicamans Plague was located south of Padonia Rd. North ofTimonium Rd. and east of Falls Rd. Plat maps of these tracts andinformation can be found at the Hall of Records under the following:Tiptons Puzzel - IL # B Folio 290 & PL # 7 Folio 508Port Royal - FF # 7 Folio 33 & PL # 4 Addition to Poor Jamaicamans Plague - IL # A Folio 721FF # 7 Folio432 PL # 6 Folio419The address for the Hall of Records is : Hall of Records350 RoweBlvd.Annapolis,Maryland 21401The Baltimore Co. Land Commissions has a Deposition given byThomas Tipton for a Petition filed by Thomas Ford. Thomas Tipton gavethe Deposition December 5, 1761 and stated his age as about 67, whichwould place his birth at 1693. This is proof that Thomas was stillalive in 1761 and did not die in 1734 as some researchers have stated.The Deposition aslso stated the Thomas Tipton had a land warrantlocated near Selsed, we believe this would be the 40 acres thatJonathan sold him in 1726. Selsed, was South of Port Royal and theboundary lines connected.We have not been able to pinpoint the land as it too has beenredeveloped over the years. Many homes, office buildings etc. nowcover Port Royal land, but the few woods that remain do give us someidea of what a beautiful place Port Royal must have been.If Thomas still lived on Port Royal at the time of his death, wefelt the family plot might be locat on that land and perhaps a stonefoundation left of his home. However the only ruins we've ever foundwere north of Poor Jamaicamans Plague. They were clearly over 150years old and one man who lived near there said he had been there for25 years and nver knew the ruins were there. Contractors uncovered theruins while clearing the land to build new homes. Jonathan Tipton of Baltimore, MarylandThis was written by Phillis Brooks, I found this on my trip toBaltimore. on the sons and Grandsons of Jonathan Tipton, on next page.
the English Tipton's, whose ancestry can be traced to Sir Anthony de
Tipton of Staffordshire, England, who was born in 1260 and knighted on
the field of battle by King Edward I on December 11, 1282.
Note: I have quite a bit of editing to do for all this family stuff, names, pictures and stories to add, so check back often.
Tracing papaw Cartmill
Papaw's father, James Earnest Cartmills daddy was John Wallace, and John married Sarah, "Sally" Tipton.
Sarah's father was Robert Letcher Tipton and her mother was Eva Lou Pieratt.
Jonathan Tipton was born on March 25, 1699, in Anne Arundel, Maryland. He married Elizabeth Edwards in 1714. They had one child during their marriage. He died on April 16, 1779, having lived a long life of 80 years.
General John Tipton
General John Tipton
When Jonathan Tipton III was born on October 23, 1750, his father, Jonathan, was 51 and his mother, Elizabeth, was 50. He married Frances Perlina Daugherty in 1770 in Frederick, Virginia. They had nine children in 20 years. He died on January 18, 1833, having lived a long life of 82 years.
When Samuel I. "Sam" Tipton was born in 1773, his father, Jonathan, was 23 and his mother, Frances, was 18. He married Mary Ann "Polly" Schultz in 1798 in Mercer, Kentucky. They had 13 children in 21 years. He died on March 7, 1861, in Estill, Kentucky, having lived a long life of 88 years. I am not exactly sure if the "dapper' young man here is Samuel I. or Samuel B. Tipton but it's one awesome photo!!
Robert Letcher Tipton was born on January 16, 1822, in Estill, Kentucky to Samuel and Mary Schultz Tipton. He married Eva Lou Pieratt on July 23, 1845 in Bath County, Kentucky.
Robert Letcher was a farmer and a blacksmith. He had a blacksmith shop in Owingsville, Kentucky. He died on April 9, 1899, in Bath, Kentucky, having lived a long life of 77 years, and was buried in Owingsville, Kentucky.
Robert Letcher was a farmer and a blacksmith. He had a blacksmith shop in Owingsville, Kentucky. He died on April 9, 1899, in Bath, Kentucky, having lived a long life of 77 years, and was buried in Owingsville, Kentucky.
Robert Letcher Tipton
Eva Lou Pieratt was born on February 26, 1826, in Bath, Kentucky to James and Sarah Schultz.
She died in 1870 in her hometown at the age of 44.
She died in 1870 in her hometown at the age of 44.
Sarah Ellen "Sally" Tipton was born on April 9, 1848, in Owingsville, Kentucky. She married John Wallace Cartmill on May 30, 1865, in Bath, Kentucky. They had seven children in 15 years. She died on November 14, 1921, in her hometown at the age of 73.
When James Earnest Cartmill was born April 6, 1875 in Bath, Kentucky. He had four brothers and two sisters. He married Effie Chandler. He passed way on Feb. 21, 1943 from a cerebral hemorrhage.
James Earnest & Effie Chandler Cartmill
James Eugene Cartmill was born 1918 and passed away Aug. 4, 1968. He married Gladys Toy.
The Toy Line
Florence Warders and Thomas Toy are the parents of mamaws father Claude Owen Toy. Claude was born Oct. 12, 1887 in Bath County and died Feb. 9, 1954 in Bath County.
Florence was born Jan. 12, 1856 in Bath County, died June 22, 1902 in Bath County. She is buried in Sharpsburg Cemetery.
The children of Florence and Thomas are, Archie, Montgomery, Maggie, James, Claude Owen and Lily Mae.
Florence Warders
The daughter of Edward "Ned" and Margaret Funston
Margaret Funston was born in 1838 in Bath County, she and Edward were married in Bath County on March 19, 1857.
Margaret's parents were James C. Funston and Nancy Warren.
James C.Funston was the son of William Funston and Rosina ?
William was the son of Nicholas Funston and Catherine Herald. Nicholas was born in 1723 in Northern Ireland.
Nancy was born in 1818 and died in 1856, she was the daughter of John B. Warren, born Sept. 9, 1776, Virginia and Mary Shannon (March 27, 1785, Bath Co.) They married Feb. 9, 1808.
Edward was the son of Jackson Warders and Catherine Roberts.
Florence Warders Toy
Thomas was born 6-15-1851 in Bath County and died4-12-1915 and is buried in the Crown Hill Cemetery or maybe the old cemetery, I will have to check on that.
Thomas Toy
Claude Owen was born on July 12, 1888, in Montgomery, Kentucky. He died on February 9, 1954, in his hometown at the age of 65.
Claude Owen was Thomas and Florence Son, Claude married Mattie Collins, and their child was maternal grandmother, Gladys.
More about Eva's parents.
Sarah Shultz was born in May 1796 in Tennessee, her father, John, was 41, and her mother, Elizabeth, was 36. She married James Pieratt on March 26, 1814, in Bath, Kentucky.
They had seven children in 15 years. She died in Bath, Kentucky.
Eva’s Father James Pieratt
When James Pieratt was born on April 6, 1795, his father, Reuben, was 45 and his mother, Elizabeth, was 39. He married Sarah Shultz on March 26, 1814, in Bath, Kentucky.
When James Pieratt was born on April 6, 1795, his father, Reuben, was 45 and his mother, Elizabeth, was 39. He married Sarah Shultz on March 26, 1814, in Bath, Kentucky.
They had seven children in 15 years. He died on July 29, 1852, in Bath, Kentucky, at the age of 57, and is buried in Owingsville, Kentucky.
James Pieratt Home -Owingsville, Ky. top photo .
Bottom photo is Rueben Valentine Pieratt's home also in Bath County. Stepstone Road.
Bottom photo is Rueben Valentine Pieratt's home also in Bath County. Stepstone Road.
Click on each document to enlarge
Bloomfield 1820 Census. In 1821 was renamed Sharpsburg!
1828 - Bath County, Kentucky Deed Book G Page 35 - Cartmill to Cartmill Deed
This indenture made and entered into this 28th day of Oct 1828 betwen Thomas CARTMILL and Patsey, his wife, of the County of Bath and State of Kentucky of the one part and John CARTMILL of the County and State aforesaid of the other part.
Witnesseth that the said Thomas Cartmill and wife for and in consideration of the sum of $925.00 have this day granted, bargained and sold unto the said John Cartmill, his heirs or assigns the following tract or parcel of land. To wit: first one tract of one hundred and twenty six acres lying and being in the County of Bath on the waters of Hingston and Flat Creek it being part of a treasury warrant patent originally granted to Robert FRIER and conveyed by him to John CARTMILL and from him to the said Thomas CARTMILL and bounded as follows: To wit: Beginning at a hickory beginning corner of Enoch SMITH's survey of 1000 acres and thence N 5 degrees E 146 poles to an elm and black ash corner with Joseph KING, thence W 147 poles to a cherry tree to two ash trees and sugar tree, thence S 85 degrees E 146 poles to the Beginning.
Secondly a tract containing by estimation fourteen acres lying in the same County and on the same waters joining the foregoing tract of 126 acres and bounded as follows. To wit: Beginning at a hickory beginning corner at the foregoing tract and also of Enoch Smith's line to John JONES line and with said line South the Col. W. MILLER;s line of 600 acres, thence East with said to the division line between Enoch and Hardage SMITH, thence to the Beginning.
To have and to hold the said tracts unto the said John CARTMILL, his heirs and assigns forever free from all and every claim or claims under said Thomas and wife. It is understood by both parties that the said Thomas and wife only convey a Quit Claim deed and such title as they are invested with. In testimony whereof Thomas CARTMILL and wife have hereunto set their hands and seals this day and date first above written.
Thomas CARTMILL Seal - Patsy X (her mark) CARTMILL Seal
Commonwealth of Kentucky Bath County, To wit: I John Jones Deputy Clerk of the Bath County Court do certify that this deed from Thomas CARTMILL and PATSEY, hiw wife, to John CARTMILL was this day produced by the said grantors. And acknowledged by the said Thomas Cartmill to be his act and deed.
Thomas Cartmill born 1786 Augusta Co. VA & died 1860 Bath Co. KY; his wife Martha Patsey McDonald, born: 1790 Lexington, Fayette, KY & died: 1850 Montgomery Co. KY; John Cartmill is probably Thomas's brother. John was born 1779 in Augusta Co. VA & died about 1856 or 1858 in Illinois.
Some genealogy groups list Valentine's name as Reuben Valentine, but at this time, I can find no evidence that his name was Reuben.
From Enlistment paper for the French Army:
Description: Long face, large nose, brown eyes & hair, black brows, face marked with small blisters (from enlistment): Long face, long nose, hazel eyes, brown hair & eye brows of chestnut colours, marked with the small pox. (from military discharge). He was paid 150 pounds at the discharge of his military assignment.
BIOGRAPHY: According to a letter which covers the ancestors of Volentine PIERATT, who married Elizabeth AYRE, he came over from France with General LAFAYETTE at the age of 16 in 1776. After marrying Elizabeth, they moved to Kentucky and settled where the town of Owingsville, Bath CO, is now situated.
PIERATT FAMILY HISTORY By Ida Mae Pieratt Gilmore: "The Pieratt family of Eastern Kentucky traces back to Valentine Pieratt (Born 1760 -- died 1844). He was a native of France and came to this country in 1776 as an aide to General LaFayette. He fought under General LaFayette in the cause of the American Independence. He was a French Huguenot soldier. At the close of the war Valentine remained in this country. He lived in Maryland and Pennsylvania before moving to Kentucky. Many emigrants began migration from Virginia to the newly formed state of Kentucky in the early 1800's. They settled in an area that is now Morgan and Wolfe counties. Among them were Pieratts, Goodwins, Cecils, Jacksons and many others. They made a settlement on Grassey Creek and established a Post Office there, this was in Morgan County. This was perhaps about 1818. The families who came into Kentucky were all of the Protestant beliefs and most of them had a leaning toward the Methodist persuasion, all except John -- the First, son of Valentine. John had read some of the writings of the Frenchman Voltaire and was not religiously inclined. After the settlers built log cabins and cleared ground, they began the erection of a log church, in Morgan County, which they called or named Goodwin Chapel. The log structure stood there until late 1880's. At this chapel the faithful went to worship, all except John Pieratt. During the spring and summer of 1819 they planted their crops and gardens, but a draught set in about the first of May and lasted through June and July. Their gardens and crops were ruined. The corn grew to about knee high, tasseled out but had no ears on the stalks. Soon after the draught set in these pious and religious people met at Goodwin Chapel and prayed for rain, all except John -- the First. They held prayer service every day for 75 days and each day the earth became harder and drier. Soon they said that if they could just get Mr. Pieratt to join them in prayer,
maybe the Lord would send them rain. But Mr. John Pieratt never came to Goodwin Chapel. Each day the faithful and devout prayed for rain, and about the last of July, they heard distant thunder and then lightening flashed and then came a great downpour of rain. Grassey Creek overflowed its banks and covered all the bottom land and the
water stood over their seared and burned crops. When the rain ceased, the worshipers left Goodwin Chapel and started for their homes. When they met John Pieratt, one of their number said, "Well, Mr. Pieratt, the Lord sent us rain." John Pieratt replied, "Yes, it looks like he just about ruined us."
From "The Pieratt Family of Ezel" in the Licking Valley Courier, Sept. 30, 1999 by Raymond F. Davis.
"I know, I was there, I saw it happen." So said, or could have been said by Volentine Pieratt in 1781 when talking about the surrender of General Cornwalis to General George Washington in Yorktown, Va. "even though I was only 16 years old when I embarked from France in 1777, I came over on the boat with the Marquis de Lafayette along with hundreds of other young Frenchmen against the wishes of our king--and without his consent-- to fight against England for the people of these American colonies. We came both because of the love of freedom for these people and also because of our hatred of England. We fought hard during this Revolutionary War until the English surrender, which occurred October 1781.
"After the war was over, I decided to settle in Pennsylvania, then later moved to Maryland, was married in 1790 and raised a family which was the beginninhg of the Pieratt generations in America. My wife, Elizabeth Anna Aery (who was from Pennsylvania, an I had nine children."
Also from the same article: The spelling of the name "Volentine" was the French style, while the English spelling is "Valentine". Also, the name "Pieratt" was accented on the second syllable by the French, but the English pronunciation emphasizes the first syllable--(Pe-rat).
Probably the three main families in the Ezel area from 1850-1925 were the Pieratt, Nickell, and Kash families. In nearby Hazel Green, probably the three main families were the Swango, Holland, and Day families.
On, on GenForum, dated June 28, 2001, by Ivan V. Pieratt, he states that , "... but Valentin signed the marriage consent for is son James to Sally Shultz as Valentin Pierrat.... He [Reuben] applied to the House of Rep thru Mt. Sterling Rep for a REV pension. Was rejected because was paid by french at discharge 1, May, 1783 at Wilmington, DE. Joined Lauzun's Legion 13, Jan 1779 as connonier in Blondeau Company. Check out for history. ... Valentin from LaBresse, Lorraine, FR. Son of Valentin, Dominique, Jean-Demenge, Demenge-Nicholas."
Subject: Re: Valentin Pierrat - AM Rev
Post Date: August 15, 2001 at 11:07:09
Message URL:
Forum: Pieratt Family Genealogy Forum
Forum URL:
The problem with the Volunteer Legion address is that it comes too late in the game for Valintine Pieratt. Most sources place the Valintine we are looking at on U.S. soil as early as 1776 to 1779.
This orgainization list is posted at Yorktown Battlefield where I personnally spoke with the park ranger who was a very informative. She stated that the first group that came over with Lafayette were volunteers and he dispersed his troops to the state militias where they could be paid and fed.
I still need hard copy on any information placing Valintine Pieratt in a unit that fought in the Revolution, moved on after Yorktown, made his way to Baltimore to find a wife and then moved on to Kentucky and raised his family.
His offspring also married into the Murphy family that hosts Sarah Boone the older sister of Daniel Boone and the Wells family.
Paul Pierett
From: Ivan Pieratt [Add to Address Book]
To: 'Randy Blecha'
Subject: RE: Pieratt Genealogy
Date: Dec 29, 2008 4:47 PM
Valentin Pierrat applied for a Rev. pension thru a lawyer in Mt. Sterling. This is why I believe that this is our Valentine. Also his first dau. was named Barbara like his mother in La Bresse, FR. I obtained papers by writing the secretary of the House of Representatives in Washington. Then they gave permission to get copies from Atlanta archives.
Valentine used his discharge papers as evidence of his service with Duc Lauzon's calvary. He was a connonier. Evidently, he moved from Baltimore, MD to KY with Owings who was put in charge of the foundry between Owingsville and Mt. Sterling. He married in St. Pauls Ch where Thomas Owings was a member. See Bath Co. History. I am not sure when he died and cannot find anything on wife Elizabeth other than their marriage in Baltimore, MD. His son James, who I am from, empty house still stands just west of Owingsville. Your John moved to Morgan Co. I have a copy of consent to marry between James and Sarah Shultz signed by Valentine. There use to be a bible owned by an Elizabeth Duff, in Mt. Sterling, that has an inscription by Valentine listing Elizabeth as "Loving Consort" followed by John, Barbara and James.
Name was first listed as Perat evolving to Pieratt. Sons Henry and George kept it as Perrat. Most of these are in CA.
Pierrats are still in Gerardmer, FR. There are over 40 listed in the area in the telephone book. They have been there for 500+ years!
I cannot find any evidence for the name Reuben used by John Dimmitt in 1968 that keeps creeping into nor a connection with Lafayette, three brothers, etc.
I will try to find the papers you seek and send a copy. Please send address, FAX # and Tel #.
Thank You,
Ivan V. Pieratt, P.E.
PSS Partnership Inc., Structural Engineers
Dear Mr. Pierrat,
the info I have on your ancestor is this:
PIERRAT, Valentin[1] Latresse Lorraine 27 1779 January 13 Congedié [2] 1783 May 1
[1] PIERRAT was discharged par grace and after he paid 150 livres to buy off the time remaining in his enlistment.
[2] The term congedié can mean either "furloughed" or "discharged"; PIERRAT was discharged.
It is taken from file D2c32 in the Archives Nationales in Paris, France. These are the controles or enlistment records of Lauzun's Legion. I have them on microfilm and can make a photocopy for you and send it to the address at the bottom of this e-mail (?)
Since Pierrat was officially discharged you should not have any problem having him declared a patriot by both the DAR as well as the SAR.
Best regards --
Robert A. Selig, PhD
1810 United States Federal Census 1810 United States Federal Census
Name: Volentine Perat
County: Montgomery
State: Kentucky
Source Citation: Year: 1810; Census Place: , Montgomery, Kentucky; Roll: 7; Page: 369; Image: 385.00.
In the 1810 census, his list of family members is as follows:
2 males under 10 years old; 1 male age 10-15; 1 male age 16-25; 1 male over 45 years old; 2 females under 10 years; 1 female age 10-15; 1 female age 16-25; 1 female over 45 years old.
Note: In the 1810 census, Volentine Pieratt is living next door to Michael Carpenter.
1820 Census:
1820 United States Federal Census 1820 United States Federal Census
Name: Volentine Pyat
[Valentine Pyat]
Township: Bloomfield
County: Bath
State: Kentucky
Source Citation: Year: 1820; Census Place: Bloomfield, Bath, Kentucky; Roll: M33_16; Page: 178; Image: 95.
In this census, he is listed in the over-45 column and there is a female listed in the 16-26 age column. Also, there are two children in the under-10 column.
Ivan Pieratt of Houston, Texas has done an outstanding job of using primary sources as documenation for the research on the Pieratt Family. I would refer all interested parties to contact him for detailed information on the Pieratt family.
Maryland Marriages, 1778 ? 1800
Marriage Licenses Returns of Rev. John Hagerty, Scharf Papers, MS. 1999, at MHS
Compiled by Robert Barnes, Genealogical Pulblishing Co., Inc., 1979 Baltimore
Peret, Valentine 6 Nov 1791, Elizabeth Earce 18 BA-3
St. Pauls Prodestant Episcopal Church, Baltimore, Maryland
Original records are in the possession of the Maryland Historical Society and only
copies have been searched. I have seen four different versions of the record for
Valentine and Elizabeth spellings.
Valentine Perret married Elizabeth Earee, Nov 6, 1791 by Rev, Bend.
Issue Barbara and James.
Barbara Peret, born Jan 10, 1793: bap. May 2, 1794: dau. of Valentine and
Elizabeth, Vol. 1, pg 286.
James Peret, born Apr 16, 1795; bap. Nov 7, 1795, son of Valentine and
Elizabeth. Vol 1, pg 312.
The unusual copies are in the Harris file and Baltimore County Records of St Paul?s
Parish by Reamy, v.1, 1988:
John Earce of Edward Morris and Elizabeth. She is now Elizabeth Peret.
Born Dec 14, 1793; Bap May 2, 1794
Another copy of the original records has:
John of Edward Morris and Elizabeth Earce ? now Peret. John born Dec 14,
(handwritten 1793). A genealogist I hired viewed this copy and believes
this was the record that others above copied with a 1793 date. John?s own census
and the Valentine bible state a birth of 1790. This would suggest that John was
adopted when Valentine married Elizabeth in 1791 or may have been son of Elizabeth.
Asa Burton Pieratt, born 1848, gr. Grandson of Valentine, copied a record
left by Valentine in 1929 and John Dimmit in 1965, family bible in possession
of Virginia Duff of Mt. Sterling, KY:
The ages of Valentine Peiratts children
John Peiratt was born the 13th day of December 1790.
Barbara Peiratt the 10th Jan 1793
James Peiratt was born the 16th day of Apr 1795
Valentine Peiratt and his loving consort, Elizabeth Peiratt.
Maryland Marriages, 1655-1850 Maryland Marriages, 1655-1850
Name: Elizabeth Erea
Gender: Female
Marriage Date: 1 Nov 1791
Spouse: Valentine Teret
Spouse Gender: Female
County: Baltimore County
Source Information:
Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp.. Maryland Marriages, 1655-1850 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data: Most of the records in this index may be found at the Maryland Historical Society or the Family History Library. More specific source information is listed with each entry. Original marriage licenses should be located at the county clerk's office.
From Enlistment paper for the French Army:
Description: Long face, large nose, brown eyes & hair, black brows, face marked with small blisters (from enlistment): Long face, long nose, hazel eyes, brown hair & eye brows of chestnut colours, marked with the small pox. (from military discharge). He was paid 150 pounds at the discharge of his military assignment.
BIOGRAPHY: According to a letter which covers the ancestors of Volentine PIERATT, who married Elizabeth AYRE, he came over from France with General LAFAYETTE at the age of 16 in 1776. After marrying Elizabeth, they moved to Kentucky and settled where the town of Owingsville, Bath CO, is now situated.
PIERATT FAMILY HISTORY By Ida Mae Pieratt Gilmore: "The Pieratt family of Eastern Kentucky traces back to Valentine Pieratt (Born 1760 -- died 1844). He was a native of France and came to this country in 1776 as an aide to General LaFayette. He fought under General LaFayette in the cause of the American Independence. He was a French Huguenot soldier. At the close of the war Valentine remained in this country. He lived in Maryland and Pennsylvania before moving to Kentucky. Many emigrants began migration from Virginia to the newly formed state of Kentucky in the early 1800's. They settled in an area that is now Morgan and Wolfe counties. Among them were Pieratts, Goodwins, Cecils, Jacksons and many others. They made a settlement on Grassey Creek and established a Post Office there, this was in Morgan County. This was perhaps about 1818. The families who came into Kentucky were all of the Protestant beliefs and most of them had a leaning toward the Methodist persuasion, all except John -- the First, son of Valentine. John had read some of the writings of the Frenchman Voltaire and was not religiously inclined. After the settlers built log cabins and cleared ground, they began the erection of a log church, in Morgan County, which they called or named Goodwin Chapel. The log structure stood there until late 1880's. At this chapel the faithful went to worship, all except John Pieratt. During the spring and summer of 1819 they planted their crops and gardens, but a draught set in about the first of May and lasted through June and July. Their gardens and crops were ruined. The corn grew to about knee high, tasseled out but had no ears on the stalks. Soon after the draught set in these pious and religious people met at Goodwin Chapel and prayed for rain, all except John -- the First. They held prayer service every day for 75 days and each day the earth became harder and drier. Soon they said that if they could just get Mr. Pieratt to join them in prayer,
maybe the Lord would send them rain. But Mr. John Pieratt never came to Goodwin Chapel. Each day the faithful and devout prayed for rain, and about the last of July, they heard distant thunder and then lightening flashed and then came a great downpour of rain. Grassey Creek overflowed its banks and covered all the bottom land and the
water stood over their seared and burned crops. When the rain ceased, the worshipers left Goodwin Chapel and started for their homes. When they met John Pieratt, one of their number said, "Well, Mr. Pieratt, the Lord sent us rain." John Pieratt replied, "Yes, it looks like he just about ruined us."
From "The Pieratt Family of Ezel" in the Licking Valley Courier, Sept. 30, 1999 by Raymond F. Davis.
"I know, I was there, I saw it happen." So said, or could have been said by Volentine Pieratt in 1781 when talking about the surrender of General Cornwalis to General George Washington in Yorktown, Va. "even though I was only 16 years old when I embarked from France in 1777, I came over on the boat with the Marquis de Lafayette along with hundreds of other young Frenchmen against the wishes of our king--and without his consent-- to fight against England for the people of these American colonies. We came both because of the love of freedom for these people and also because of our hatred of England. We fought hard during this Revolutionary War until the English surrender, which occurred October 1781.
"After the war was over, I decided to settle in Pennsylvania, then later moved to Maryland, was married in 1790 and raised a family which was the beginninhg of the Pieratt generations in America. My wife, Elizabeth Anna Aery (who was from Pennsylvania, an I had nine children."
Also from the same article: The spelling of the name "Volentine" was the French style, while the English spelling is "Valentine". Also, the name "Pieratt" was accented on the second syllable by the French, but the English pronunciation emphasizes the first syllable--(Pe-rat).
Probably the three main families in the Ezel area from 1850-1925 were the Pieratt, Nickell, and Kash families. In nearby Hazel Green, probably the three main families were the Swango, Holland, and Day families.
On, on GenForum, dated June 28, 2001, by Ivan V. Pieratt, he states that , "... but Valentin signed the marriage consent for is son James to Sally Shultz as Valentin Pierrat.... He [Reuben] applied to the House of Rep thru Mt. Sterling Rep for a REV pension. Was rejected because was paid by french at discharge 1, May, 1783 at Wilmington, DE. Joined Lauzun's Legion 13, Jan 1779 as connonier in Blondeau Company. Check out for history. ... Valentin from LaBresse, Lorraine, FR. Son of Valentin, Dominique, Jean-Demenge, Demenge-Nicholas."
Subject: Re: Valentin Pierrat - AM Rev
Post Date: August 15, 2001 at 11:07:09
Message URL:
Forum: Pieratt Family Genealogy Forum
Forum URL:
The problem with the Volunteer Legion address is that it comes too late in the game for Valintine Pieratt. Most sources place the Valintine we are looking at on U.S. soil as early as 1776 to 1779.
This orgainization list is posted at Yorktown Battlefield where I personnally spoke with the park ranger who was a very informative. She stated that the first group that came over with Lafayette were volunteers and he dispersed his troops to the state militias where they could be paid and fed.
I still need hard copy on any information placing Valintine Pieratt in a unit that fought in the Revolution, moved on after Yorktown, made his way to Baltimore to find a wife and then moved on to Kentucky and raised his family.
His offspring also married into the Murphy family that hosts Sarah Boone the older sister of Daniel Boone and the Wells family.
Paul Pierett
From: Ivan Pieratt
To: 'Randy Blecha'
Subject: RE: Pieratt Genealogy
Date: Dec 29, 2008 4:47 PM
Valentin Pierrat applied for a Rev. pension thru a lawyer in Mt. Sterling. This is why I believe that this is our Valentine. Also his first dau. was named Barbara like his mother in La Bresse, FR. I obtained papers by writing the secretary of the House of Representatives in Washington. Then they gave permission to get copies from Atlanta archives.
Valentine used his discharge papers as evidence of his service with Duc Lauzon's calvary. He was a connonier. Evidently, he moved from Baltimore, MD to KY with Owings who was put in charge of the foundry between Owingsville and Mt. Sterling. He married in St. Pauls Ch where Thomas Owings was a member. See Bath Co. History. I am not sure when he died and cannot find anything on wife Elizabeth other than their marriage in Baltimore, MD. His son James, who I am from, empty house still stands just west of Owingsville. Your John moved to Morgan Co. I have a copy of consent to marry between James and Sarah Shultz signed by Valentine. There use to be a bible owned by an Elizabeth Duff, in Mt. Sterling, that has an inscription by Valentine listing Elizabeth as "Loving Consort" followed by John, Barbara and James.
Name was first listed as Perat evolving to Pieratt. Sons Henry and George kept it as Perrat. Most of these are in CA.
Pierrats are still in Gerardmer, FR. There are over 40 listed in the area in the telephone book. They have been there for 500+ years!
I cannot find any evidence for the name Reuben used by John Dimmitt in 1968 that keeps creeping into nor a connection with Lafayette, three brothers, etc.
I will try to find the papers you seek and send a copy. Please send address, FAX # and Tel #.
Thank You,
Ivan V. Pieratt, P.E.
PSS Partnership Inc., Structural Engineers
Dear Mr. Pierrat,
the info I have on your ancestor is this:
PIERRAT, Valentin[1] Latresse Lorraine 27 1779 January 13 Congedié [2] 1783 May 1
[1] PIERRAT was discharged par grace and after he paid 150 livres to buy off the time remaining in his enlistment.
[2] The term congedié can mean either "furloughed" or "discharged"; PIERRAT was discharged.
It is taken from file D2c32 in the Archives Nationales in Paris, France. These are the controles or enlistment records of Lauzun's Legion. I have them on microfilm and can make a photocopy for you and send it to the address at the bottom of this e-mail (?)
Since Pierrat was officially discharged you should not have any problem having him declared a patriot by both the DAR as well as the SAR.
Best regards --
Robert A. Selig, PhD
1810 United States Federal Census 1810 United States Federal Census
Name: Volentine Perat
County: Montgomery
State: Kentucky
Source Citation: Year: 1810; Census Place: , Montgomery, Kentucky; Roll: 7; Page: 369; Image: 385.00.
In the 1810 census, his list of family members is as follows:
2 males under 10 years old; 1 male age 10-15; 1 male age 16-25; 1 male over 45 years old; 2 females under 10 years; 1 female age 10-15; 1 female age 16-25; 1 female over 45 years old.
Note: In the 1810 census, Volentine Pieratt is living next door to Michael Carpenter.
1820 Census:
1820 United States Federal Census 1820 United States Federal Census
Name: Volentine Pyat
[Valentine Pyat]
Township: Bloomfield
County: Bath
State: Kentucky
Source Citation: Year: 1820; Census Place: Bloomfield, Bath, Kentucky; Roll: M33_16; Page: 178; Image: 95.
In this census, he is listed in the over-45 column and there is a female listed in the 16-26 age column. Also, there are two children in the under-10 column.
Ivan Pieratt of Houston, Texas has done an outstanding job of using primary sources as documenation for the research on the Pieratt Family. I would refer all interested parties to contact him for detailed information on the Pieratt family.
Maryland Marriages, 1778 ? 1800
Marriage Licenses Returns of Rev. John Hagerty, Scharf Papers, MS. 1999, at MHS
Compiled by Robert Barnes, Genealogical Pulblishing Co., Inc., 1979 Baltimore
Peret, Valentine 6 Nov 1791, Elizabeth Earce 18 BA-3
St. Pauls Prodestant Episcopal Church, Baltimore, Maryland
Original records are in the possession of the Maryland Historical Society and only
copies have been searched. I have seen four different versions of the record for
Valentine and Elizabeth spellings.
Valentine Perret married Elizabeth Earee, Nov 6, 1791 by Rev, Bend.
Issue Barbara and James.
Barbara Peret, born Jan 10, 1793: bap. May 2, 1794: dau. of Valentine and
Elizabeth, Vol. 1, pg 286.
James Peret, born Apr 16, 1795; bap. Nov 7, 1795, son of Valentine and
Elizabeth. Vol 1, pg 312.
The unusual copies are in the Harris file and Baltimore County Records of St Paul?s
Parish by Reamy, v.1, 1988:
John Earce of Edward Morris and Elizabeth. She is now Elizabeth Peret.
Born Dec 14, 1793; Bap May 2, 1794
Another copy of the original records has:
John of Edward Morris and Elizabeth Earce ? now Peret. John born Dec 14,
(handwritten 1793). A genealogist I hired viewed this copy and believes
this was the record that others above copied with a 1793 date. John?s own census
and the Valentine bible state a birth of 1790. This would suggest that John was
adopted when Valentine married Elizabeth in 1791 or may have been son of Elizabeth.
Asa Burton Pieratt, born 1848, gr. Grandson of Valentine, copied a record
left by Valentine in 1929 and John Dimmit in 1965, family bible in possession
of Virginia Duff of Mt. Sterling, KY:
The ages of Valentine Peiratts children
John Peiratt was born the 13th day of December 1790.
Barbara Peiratt the 10th Jan 1793
James Peiratt was born the 16th day of Apr 1795
Valentine Peiratt and his loving consort, Elizabeth Peiratt.
Maryland Marriages, 1655-1850 Maryland Marriages, 1655-1850
Name: Elizabeth Erea
Gender: Female
Marriage Date: 1 Nov 1791
Spouse: Valentine Teret
Spouse Gender: Female
County: Baltimore County
Source Information:
Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp.. Maryland Marriages, 1655-1850 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
Original data: Most of the records in this index may be found at the Maryland Historical Society or the Family History Library. More specific source information is listed with each entry. Original marriage licenses should be located at the county clerk's office.
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